
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gingerly: What's in a Name?

The definition of gingerly according to Mr. Webster is: very cautious or careful.  Synonyms include considerate, which is how I like to think of myself when I approach a baking project.  Careful.  Considerate.  Trying to do this to the best of my abilities.

It should also be noted that my name is Ginger Leigh.  Yes, I'm literally an adverb, but a good one, I think. Sometimes gingerly is associated with timidity, but that's not how I like to think of it.  I once read it meant doing something with great care and delicacy. 

I'm just starting out and am self-taught, but have been around baking for as long as I can remember. My mother was also a self-taught decorator who supplied much of our immediate and extended family with magnificent cake creations throughout the years.  I also briefly worked at a local bakery during my senior year of college where I was soon designated one of the chief cake greeting writers because I really had a knack for it.  During slow periods, I would head into the back, just behind the glass, to play with the bags of icing, practice making roses and my buttercream penmanship.

I finally tackled fondant awhile back and I must say I don't know why I avoided working with it for so long or felt so intimidated.  Working with it felt completely natural and I immensely enjoyed creating things out of it.  

So, this site is just to showcase some things that I've done and that I plan on doing.  I'm learning, but so far, I've been pretty happy with the results.

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